
It has been such a blessing to have Brooke on this journey of life with me. She has been such a source of guidance, wisdom and understanding during our sessions. She’s given me the confidence and tools to make big decisions like changing jobs and balancing priorities in relationships. I am forever grateful for her encouragement and support!
-Alexa, CPA

Brooke with your guidance I was able to see what I was capable of, what I had already accomplished and what I needed to be happier in my current job position. You walked me through my insecurities and reminded me of my true value. I was able to untangle my emotions and focus on what I wanted going forward. I was able to communicate directly with my firm on what I wanted and needed to grow with them. I was promoted this past January. It was because of your guidance that I was able to find myself,  embrace myself and advocate for myself. Thank you so much! You are an amazing life coach!
-Kay, Client Relation Specialist

If you could use a little tune up, some motivation or a total re-haul, Brooke will really help clarify what you want, who or what is holding you back and how to live your best, authentic life. I was looking for some help figuring out the next chapter in my life. Brooke has really helped me get clear on figuring out what I want, tapping into my own power and quieting down the doubting Debbies and judging Judys! She has taught me to tune out the saboteurs and distractions in my life and has helped me focus on the kind of life I want to live and what kind of impact I want to make.
-K.W.P, Business Owner

One of the best things I’ve done for myself in the last year is signing up with Brooke Lawson for Coaching. No matter what blockages come up for me, she is able to give me a different perspective. When I am stuck, she picks me up, dusts me off, and sends me in a more fruitful direction. Sometimes I feel that she knows me better than I know myself. The adjectives that come to mind when thinking about Brooke are: positive; strong yet gentle; insightful; creative; amazing listener; and fun!
-Karen, Educator and Author